Amy Meehan Amy Meehan

Understanding Interstitial Cystitis

What is Interstitial Cystitis and how do I know if I have it? What are the common symptoms to look out for? What are my treatment options and how can pelvic floor physical therapy help? We answer all these questions in this blog post!

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Amy Meehan Amy Meehan

Prolapse Got You Down?

Heaviness in the vagina? Pressure? Feel like things aren’t where they used to be? Don’t worry girl, we got you. You may be experiencing what we call prolapse. Prolapse is vaginal wall laxity meaning the tissues of your vagina don’t have the same tension they once did. This allows for the pelvic organs to press into the vaginal canal causing these sensations

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Amy Meehan Amy Meehan

Diastasis Recti: Do I have it?

So you noticed something strange going on with your stomach and the Internet tells you its Diastasis Recti. If you’re like most of us, you might be thinking: “What the heck is that?” “What exercises should I do?” “Do I need surgery?”

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Amy Meehan Amy Meehan

3 Ways To Help Fight Urinary Leakage

Are you suffering from urinary leakage?

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Did you know 50% of women will experience some form of urinary leakage in their lifetime1. Two major reasons why we may leak urine is pregnancy and childbirth! Our pelvic floor muscles are crucial for keeping continence and not having any leakage.

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Amy Meehan Amy Meehan

What Is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Pelvic Floor?!?!? How could my vagina need physical therapy? I just don’t understand how you’re going to help me.

This is what so many patients first say to me when they are referred for Pelvic PT. My patients have usually been living with their pelvic issues for so long that they think nothing can help. It’s our goal at Revelle to prove that wrong.

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